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67 Quotes and sayings

Terry Pratchett was born in Beaconsfield, England, in 1948.
* He began his writing career as a journalist, but soon turned to fiction.
* His first novel, The Carpet People, was published in 1971.
* He is best known for his Discworld series of fantasy novels, which have sold over 100 million copies worldwide.
* Pratchett was a humanist and a satirist, and his work often explored social and political issues.
* He was knighted in 2009 for services to literature.
* He died in 2015 after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease.
* His work continues to be popular and influential, and he is considered one of the most important fantasy writers of all time.

We who think we are about to die will laugh at anything.

Terry Pratchett

If per capita was a problem, decapita could be arranged

Terry Pratchett

"I meant", said Ipslore bitterly, what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile? Death thought about it.CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

Terry Pratchett

You can't give her that!' she screamed. 'It's not safe!'IT'S A SWORD, said the Hogfather. THEY'RE NOT MEANT TO BE SAFE.'She's a child!' shouted Crumley.IT'S EDUCATIONAL.'What if she cuts herself?'THAT WILL BE AN IMPORTANT LESSON.

Terry Pratchett

If you have enough book space, I don't want to talk to you.

Terry Pratchett

The trouble was that he was talking in philosophy but they were listening in gibberish.

Terry Pratchett

Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.

Terry Pratchett

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

Terry Pratchett

...inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.

Terry Pratchett

The sun rose slowly, as if it wasn't sure it was worth all the effort.

Terry Pratchett

Scientists have calculated that the chances of something so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one.But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.

Terry Pratchett

A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on.

Terry Pratchett

The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.

Terry Pratchett

There is always time for another last minute

Terry Pratchett

Every intelligent being, whether it breathes or not, coughs nervously at some time in its life.

Terry Pratchett

Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry.

Terry Pratchett

The entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks.

Terry Pratchett

I should have learned this, she thought. I wanted to learn fire, and pain, but I should have learned people.

Terry Pratchett

I get it,' said the prisoner. 'Good Cop, Bad Cop, eh?'If you like.' said Vimes. 'But we're a bit short staffed here, so if I give you a cigarette would you mind kicking yourself in the teeth?

Terry Pratchett

Speak softly and employ a huge man with a crowbar.

Terry Pratchett


Terry Pratchett

If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.

Terry Pratchett

Perhaps it would be simpler if you just did what you're told and didn't try to understand things.

Terry Pratchett

If there was anything that depressed him more than his own cynicism, it was that quite often it still wasn't as cynical as real life.

Terry Pratchett

"No! Please! I'll tell you whatever you want to know!" the man yelled. "Really?" said Vimes. "What's the orbital velocity of the moon? "What?" Oh, you'd like something simpler?

Terry Pratchett

Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.

Terry Pratchett

It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.

Terry Pratchett

Some things are fairly obvious when it's a seven-foot skeleton with a scythe telling you them

Terry Pratchett

Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you.

Terry Pratchett

In theory it was, around now, Literature. Susan hated Literature. She'd much prefer to read a good book.

Terry Pratchett

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