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27 Quotes and sayings

Jeaniene Frost is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of urban fantasy and romance novels.
* She was born in 1974 and grew up in Maryland.
* She has a degree in English from Frostburg State University.
* She worked as a technical writer before becoming a full-time author.
* Her first novel, Halfway to the Grave, was published in 2007.
* She has since published 14 novels in the Night Huntress series, as well as several novellas and short stories.
* Her books have been translated into 20 languages.
* She lives in Maryland with her husband and two children.
* She enjoys reading, writing, and traveling.

If I die, I will wait for you, do you understand? No matter how long. I will watch from beyond to make sure you live every year you have to its fullest, and then we’ll have so much to talk about when I see you again… (Bones)

Jeaniene Frost

You can run from the grave, but you can't hide.

Jeaniene Frost

She's my kitten, and no one else's.

Jeaniene Frost

Don't care for her tongue, do you? How strange. I find it one of my favorite parts.Bones to Gregor

Jeaniene Frost

Usually my form of turning someone down was shoving a stake through his heart while smirking, Gotcha!

Jeaniene Frost

Whatever would give you the idea that I'm her damn brother?

Jeaniene Frost

No one believes you’re serious until bodies start to fall. -Vlad

Jeaniene Frost

Why did he have to be so gorgeous? Why did he have to stand so close, and why did I still love him so much?

Jeaniene Frost

First bubble baths. Now Disney parks. You're shattering every creep vampire myth I've ever heard.

Jeaniene Frost

Why did you tell her I'm your boyfriend? Why doesn't she know about your real one? - TimmyHe's English! And Mom...Mom hates foreigners! - Cat

Jeaniene Frost

Is that a stake, Bones, or are you just happy with my new dress?In this case, it’s a stake. You could always feel around for something more, though. See what comes up.

Jeaniene Frost

...you don't care because you're all that and I'm just an artery in a dress.

Jeaniene Frost

Kitten, this is my best mate, Charles, but you can call him Spade. Charles, this is Cat, the woman I’ve been telling you about. You can see for yourself that everything I’ve said is…an understatement.

Jeaniene Frost

I have been stabbed, shot, burned, bitten, beaten unconscious too many times to count, and even staked. None of those held a candle to the pain I felt at seeing his mouth on hers.

Jeaniene Frost

The clock struck eleven and cat the vampire huntress was on the loose, except my battle armor was a push-up bra, curled hair, and a short dress. Yeah, it was a dirty job, but I was going to do it. Come one, come all, bloodsuckers! Bar’s open!

Jeaniene Frost

Slumber party with Dracula, all things considerd why not?

Jeaniene Frost

Time has no dominion over love. Love is the one thing that transcends time. (Bones)

Jeaniene Frost

See? I’d whispered to Bones, nudging him with a grin. He never argues with her. Isn’t that sweet?A snort preceded his response. Keep dreaming, pet.

Jeaniene Frost

Juan gave Bones the most admiring look he’d bestowed on him yet. You talked her into going without panties all these years? Madre de Dios, now that’s impressive. I could learn a great deal from you, amigo.

Jeaniene Frost

Kitten, your hands are heaven and your eyes are my home.

Jeaniene Frost

Don't kiss me like a woman if you're going to treat me like a child.

Jeaniene Frost

I know I'm delicious. Nummy.....nummy.-Vlad

Jeaniene Frost

Your mum pounced on her and started sucking away. Would’ve been arousing if not for all the screaming.Ian, Bones drew out warningly.He grinned. You’re right. I was aroused anyway.

Jeaniene Frost

No, I do my torturing in the dungeon like any other respectable castle owner,

Jeaniene Frost

Ask me if I sparkle and I’ll kill you where you stand. (Bones)

Jeaniene Frost

It was the sort of bone deep emotion that made him want to hold her tighter with one hand, and draw a sword against the world with the other.

Jeaniene Frost

Would you mind repeating that? I'm afraid I might have lost my wits altogether and just hallucinated what I've longed to hear.

Jeaniene Frost

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