Popular Quotes by Scott Westerfeld

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6 Quotes and sayings

Scott Westerfeld is an American author of young adult fiction. He is best known for the Uglies and Leviathan series.
Westerfeld was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1963. He graduated from Vassar College with a degree in philosophy.
Westerfeld has written over 20 books, including novels, short stories, and graphic novels. His books have been translated into over 30 languages.
Westerfeld has won numerous awards for his writing, including the Locus Award, the Golden Duck Award, and the Aurealis Award.
Westerfeld lives in Sydney, Australia, with his wife and two children.

At least one thing was consistent about her life: It just kept on getting more complicated.

Scott Westerfeld

Perhaps the logical conclusion of everyone looking the same is everyone thinking the same.

Scott Westerfeld

I guess sometimes you have to lie to find the truth.

Scott Westerfeld

I spilled more times than a glass of milk on a roller coaster.

Scott Westerfeld

It's amazing how quickly nature consumes human places after we turn our backs on them. Life is a hungry thing.

Scott Westerfeld

The human heart is a strange vessel. Love and hatred can exist side by side.

Scott Westerfeld

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