Popular Quotes by Eros S. Atalia

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1 Quotes and sayings

Eros S. Atalia is a Filipino author, journalist, and professor.
* He was born on July 10, 1975 in Cavite City, Philippines.
* He graduated from the Philippine Normal University with a degree in Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Filipino.
* He has written several books, including the Palanca Award-winning "Tatlong Gabi, Tatlong Araw" (lit. Three Nights, Three Days) in 2013 and "Ang Ikatlong Anti-Kristo" (lit. The Third Antichrist) in 2017.
* His book "Ligo Na U, Lapit Na Me" (published in 2009) was adapted into film in 2011.
* He is a faculty member at the University of Santo Tomas, and was a resident at the International Writing Program of the University of Iowa.
* He is also a co-founder of the defunct local newspaper Responde Cavite, where he also served as an editor.
* He is a recipient of several awards, including the Palanca Award, the Gintong Aklat Award, and the National Book Award.
* He is a prolific writer who continues to produce works of fiction, non-fiction, and journalism.

Kumikirot ang tyan? Kumikirot ang ulo? Correlation? I therefore conclude na ang utak ay parang tyan, sumasakit kapag walang laman.

Eros S. Atalia

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