Popular Quotes by Edward Verrall Lucas

Edward Verrall Lucas Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Edward Verrall Lucas was born on June 11, 1868, in Eltham, Kent, England.
* He was a prolific writer, most celebrated for his short essays, but he also produced verses, novels and plays.
* He was a member of the Bloomsbury Group, a group of writers and artists who met regularly to discuss literature and art.
* He was also a member of the Order of the Companions of Honour, an order of chivalry awarded to people who have made a significant contribution to the arts, sciences, or public life.
* He died on June 26, 1938, in Marylebone, London, England.

Here are some additional details about his life and work:

* Lucas was educated at University College, London, and worked as a journalist before becoming a full-time writer.
* He was a regular contributor to the humor magazine Punch, and his essays were collected in several volumes, including The Further Adventures of Our Mutual Friend (1906) and The Open Road (1909).
* He also wrote several novels, including The Amberley Papers (1913) and The Mill on the Floss (1914), as well as a biography of Charles Lamb (1905).
* Lucas was a popular and respected figure in literary circles, and his work continues to be read and enjoyed today.

I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.

Edward Verrall Lucas

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