Popular Quotes by Douglas MacArthur

Douglas MacArthur Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Douglas MacArthur was born on January 26, 1880, in Little Rock, Arkansas.
* He was the son of Arthur MacArthur Jr., who was a Medal of Honor recipient.
* MacArthur graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1903.
* He served in World War I, where he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
* During World War II, he was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific.
* He was responsible for the surrender of Japan in 1945.
* He was relieved of command in 1951 by President Harry Truman.
* He died on April 5, 1964, in Washington, D.C.
* He is considered one of the most successful military leaders in American history.

Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.

Douglas MacArthur

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