C.E.M. Joad Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by

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C.E.M. Joad was an English philosopher, author, teacher and broadcasting personality.
* He was born in Durham, England in 1891.
* He studied at Oxford University and became a member of the Fabian Society.
* He was a pacifist and an agnostic until the last years of his life.
* He was a champion of unpopular causes and a writer of popular philosophical works.
* He became widely known to the British public as an agile participant in the BBC Brains Trust program from 1941 to 1947.
* He was sacked by the BBC in 1948 after being convicted of fare-dodging.
* He died in London in 1953.
* He is considered one of Britain's most colourful and controversial intellectual figures of the 1940s.