Popular Quotes by Benjamin Franklin Wade

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1 Quotes and sayings

Benjamin Franklin Wade was an American lawyer and politician who served as a United States Senator for Ohio from 1851 to 1869. He was a leading figure among the Radical Republicans and was known for his outspoken opposition to slavery and his support for Reconstruction. Wade was president pro tempore of the Senate during the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson. He died in 1878.

Here are some additional details about Wade's life:

* He was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, on October 27, 1800.
* He moved to Ohio with his family in 1821.
* He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1827.
* He served as a prosecuting attorney and a judge in Ohio before being elected to the Senate in 1851.
* He was a strong supporter of the Union during the Civil War.
* He was a leading figure in the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson.
* He died in Jefferson, Ohio, on March 2, 1878.