Popular Quotes by Wendy Mass

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Wendy Mass is a New York Times bestselling author of 29 novels for young people. Her books have been translated into 26 languages and nominated for 91 state book awards. She lives with her family in northwest New Jersey.

Mass was born in Livingston, New Jersey, in 1967. She attended Tufts University, where she studied English and creative writing. After graduating, she moved to Los Angeles to work in the entertainment industry. She later returned to New Jersey to attend graduate school, where she earned an MFA in writing for children and young adults.

Mass's first novel, A Mango-Shaped Space, was published in 2003. The book won the Schneider Family Book Award from the American Library Association. Mass has since published several other novels, including Leap Day, Every Soul a Star, and Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life.

Mass's books have been praised for their humor, heart, and originality. She is a gifted storyteller who creates characters that readers can relate to and care about. Mass's books are sure to entertain and inspire young readers of all ages.

Maybe some things aren't meant to be known. maybe there just meant to be accepted.

Wendy Mass

Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they'd lock us up? All the time.

Wendy Mass

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