Popular Quotes by Wendell Johnson

Wendell Johnson Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Wendell Johnson was born in Roxbury, Kansas, in 1906.
* He was a lifelong stutterer and became a speech pathologist to help others who stuttered.
* He received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the University of Iowa.
* He was a professor of speech pathology at the University of Iowa from 1931 to 1965.
* He was the author of several books on stuttering, including "Speech and Personality" and "Your Most Enchanted Listener."
* He was president of the American Speech and Hearing Association in 1950.
* He died in Iowa City, Iowa, in 1965.
* He is considered one of the pioneers of speech pathology.
* His work has helped millions of people who stutter to live more fulfilling lives.