Explore Popular Quotes by Voltaire

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18 Quotes and sayings

Voltaire was born François-Marie Arouet in Paris in 1694.
* He was a writer, philosopher, and historian.
* He was a major figure of the Enlightenment.
* He was imprisoned for his writings several times.
* He lived in exile in England for three years.
* He wrote plays, poems, novels, and essays.
* He was a strong advocate of religious tolerance and freedom of speech.
* He died in Paris in 1778.
* He is considered one of the most important figures in French literature.

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.

The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Faith consists in believing what reason cannot.

Faith consists in believing what reason cannot.


The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing.


I loved him as we always love for the first time; with idolatry and wild passion.


The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid - one must also be polite.

To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid - one must also be polite.


Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.


Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her; but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.


Fools have a habit of believing that everything written by a famous author is admirable. For my part I read only to please myself and like only what suits my taste.


It is with books as with men: a very small number play a great part.


Despite the enormous quantity of books, how few people read! And if one reads profitably, one would realize how much stupid stuff the vulgar herd is content to swallow every day.


We never live; we are always in the expectation of living.


Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it.


She blushed and so did he. She greeted him in a faltering voice, and he spoke to her without knowing what he was saying.


Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.


It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.


It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge.


He must be very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked.


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