Popular Quotes by Turcois Ominek

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3 Quotes and sayings

Turcois Ominek is a Canadian author who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. She has written one book, Masquerade: A Collection of Thoughts Affected by Love, which was published in 2022. Ominek is a graduate of the University of British Columbia, where she studied English literature. She is also a member of the Canadian Authors Association.

Turcois Ominek is a Canadian author.
* She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
* She has written one book, Masquerade: A Collection of Thoughts Affected by Love.
* The book was published in 2022.
* Ominek is a graduate of the University of British Columbia.
* She studied English literature at UBC.
* She is also a member of the Canadian Authors Association.
* Ominek is a passionate writer.
* She is excited to share her work with the world.
* She is grateful for the support of her readers.

Don't doubt yourself, that's what haters are for.

Turcois Ominek

Your time is way too valuable to be wasting on people that can't accept who you are.

Turcois Ominek

I'm guilty of giving people more chances than they deserve but when I'm done, I'm done.

Turcois Ominek

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