Popular Quotes by Thea Harrison

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2 Quotes and sayings

Thea Harrison is the pen name of Teddy Harrison, an American author of paranormal romance, sci-fi fantasy, and contemporary romance novels.
* She wrote her first book, a romance, when she was nineteen, and had sixteen romances published under the pen name Amanda Carpenter.
* She took a break from writing to collect a couple of graduate degrees and a grown child.
* Thea writes in a variety of genres, including the award-winning paranormal Elder Races series and the Game of Shadows novels.
* She adores animals and currently resides with two small dogs that have very large personalities.
* She is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author.
* Her books have been published in multiple languages, including German, Italian, French, and Spanish.
* She has received a number of positive reviews for her characters and world building.
* She is a popular author among fans of paranormal romance, sci-fi fantasy, and contemporary romance.

A dragon just gave me a piece of jewelry, she said. She took another swig and handed the bottle back to Graydon. Have I been added to his hoard?He shook his head and drank too. No, cupcake, he said. I’m pretty sure you’ve replaced it.

Thea Harrison

He stared at her neck. Realization pulsed. He was looking at the bite he had given her. A hard length was growing against her hip. So, is that your long, scaly, reptilian tail, or are you just happy to see me? No, she did not just say that. Did she?

Thea Harrison

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