Popular Quotes by Spider Robinson

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1 Quotes and sayings

Spider Robinson was born in New York City in 1948.
* He moved to Nova Scotia in 1973 and began writing full-time.
* He has won numerous awards for his science fiction and humorous stories, including the Hugo Award, Nebula Award, and Locus Award.
* He is best known for his Callahan stories, about a group of barflies who meet in a saloon that exists outside of time and space.
* He has also written the Stardance Trilogy, a Hugo and Nebula-winning series about zero-gravity dance.
* He is married to Jeanne Robinson, a choreographer and dancer.
* They have one daughter.
* He is a regular contributor to The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper.
* He is a vocal advocate for social justice and environmentalism.

Sometimes I think I must have a Guardian Idiot. A little invisible spirit just behind my shoulder, looking out for me...only he's an imbecile.

Spider Robinson

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