Popular Quotes by Robert Lynn Asprin

Robert Lynn Asprin Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Robert Lynn Asprin was born on June 28, 1946 in St. Johns, Michigan.
* He attended the University of Michigan and served in the United States Army.
* Asprin was active in science fiction fandom and in the early years of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
* He is best known for his humorous series MythAdventures and Phule's Company.
* Asprin also edited the groundbreaking Thieves' World anthology series with Lynn Abbey.
* He was married twice and had two children.
* Asprin died on May 22, 2008 in La Nouvelle-Orléans, Louisiana.
* He was a prolific writer who produced over 50 books in his lifetime.
* Asprin's work has been translated into over 20 languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide.

When things are at their blackest, I say to myself, 'Cheer up, things could be worse.' And sure enough, they get worse.

Robert Lynn Asprin

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