Explore Popular Quotes by Robert Frost

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20 Quotes and sayings

Robert Frost was born in San Francisco in 1874.
He moved to Lawrence, Massachusetts, after his father's death.
He attended Dartmouth College and Harvard University.
He published his first poem in 1894.
He moved to England in 1912.
He returned to the United States in 1915.
He won four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry.
He died in Boston in 1963.
He is considered one of the greatest American poets of all time.

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.

Robert Frost

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : The best way out is always through.

The best way out is always through.

Robert Frost

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.

Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.

Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.

Robert Frost

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

Robert Frost

Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat.

Robert Frost

I am not a teacher, but an awakener.

Robert Frost

Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on TheeAnd I'll forgive Thy great big one on me.

Robert Frost

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.

Robert Frost

The heart can think of no devotionGreater than being shore to the ocean-Holding the curve of one position,Counting an endless repetition.

Robert Frost

There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.

Robert Frost

And were an epitaph to be my story I'd have a short one ready for my own. I would have written of me on my stone: I had a lover's quarrel with the world.

Robert Frost

These woods are lovely, dark and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost

Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.

Robert Frost

I'd like to get away from earth awhileAnd then come back to it and begin over.May no fate wilfully misunderstand meAnd half grant what I wish and snatch me awayNot to return. Earth's the right place for love:I don't know where it's likely to go better.

Robert Frost

No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.

Robert Frost

We dance round in a ring and suppose,But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.

Robert Frost

We love the things we love for what they are.

Robert Frost

A poem begins with a lump in the throat; a homesickness or a love sickness. It is a reaching-out toward expression; an effort to find fulfillment. A complete poem is one where an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost

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