Popular Quotes by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. Cool & famous Quotes by

4 Quotes and sayings

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. was an American physician, poet, and essayist.
* He was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1809.
* He graduated from Harvard University and Harvard Medical School.
* He served as a professor of anatomy and physiology at Harvard Medical School.
* He was a member of the "Fireside Poets," a group of American poets who wrote in the mid-19th century.
* He is best known for his witty and insightful essays, such as "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table."
* He died in 1894.

Here are some additional facts about Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.:

* He was the father of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who was a Supreme Court Justice.
* He was a strong advocate for medical reform, and he was one of the first doctors to promote the use of handwashing to prevent the spread of infection.
* He was a gifted writer, and his essays are still read and enjoyed today.
* He was a complex and fascinating figure, and he made significant contributions to American literature, medicine, and law.

It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

The books we read should be chosen with great care, that they may be, as an Egyptian king wrote over his library,'The medicines of the soul.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

What refuge is there for the victim who is oppressed with the feeling that there are a thousand new books he ought to read, while life is only long enough for him to attempt to read a hundred?

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Nothing is so common-place as to wish to be remarkable.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

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