Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by
4 Quotes and sayings
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. was an American physician, poet, and essayist.
* He was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1809.
* He graduated from Harvard University and Harvard Medical School.
* He served as a professor of anatomy and physiology at Harvard Medical School.
* He was a member of the "Fireside Poets," a group of American poets who wrote in the mid-19th century.
* He is best known for his witty and insightful essays, such as "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table."
* He died in 1894.
Here are some additional facts about Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.:
* He was the father of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who was a Supreme Court Justice.
* He was a strong advocate for medical reform, and he was one of the first doctors to promote the use of handwashing to prevent the spread of infection.
* He was a gifted writer, and his essays are still read and enjoyed today.
* He was a complex and fascinating figure, and he made significant contributions to American literature, medicine, and law.
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