Markus Zusak Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by

17 Quotes and sayings

Markus Zusak was born in Sydney, Australia in 1975.
* He is the youngest of four children of German and Austrian immigrants.
* He began writing fiction at age 16 and pursued a degree in teaching.
* Before becoming a professional author, Zusak worked briefly as a house painter, a janitor and a high school English teacher.
* His first novel, The Underdog, was published in 1999.
* His second novel, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, was published in 2000.
* His third novel, When Dogs Cry, was published in 2001.
* His fourth novel, The Messenger, was published in 2002.
* His fifth and most famous novel, The Book Thief, was published in 2005.
* The Book Thief was a critical and commercial success, winning numerous awards and being translated into over 60 languages.

He does something to me, that boy. Every time. It’s his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry.

Markus Zusak

So much good, so much evil. Just add water.

Markus Zusak

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