Markus Zusak Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by
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Markus Zusak was born in Sydney, Australia in 1975.
* He is the youngest of four children of German and Austrian immigrants.
* He began writing fiction at age 16 and pursued a degree in teaching.
* Before becoming a professional author, Zusak worked briefly as a house painter, a janitor and a high school English teacher.
* His first novel, The Underdog, was published in 1999.
* His second novel, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, was published in 2000.
* His third novel, When Dogs Cry, was published in 2001.
* His fourth novel, The Messenger, was published in 2002.
* His fifth and most famous novel, The Book Thief, was published in 2005.
* The Book Thief was a critical and commercial success, winning numerous awards and being translated into over 60 languages.
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