Popular Quotes by Lena Dunham

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Lena Dunham was born on May 13, 1986 in New York City.
* She is an actress, writer, director, and producer.
* She is best known for creating and starring in the HBO series Girls.
* Dunham has also directed several films, including Tiny Furniture and Creative Nonfiction.
* She has been nominated for numerous awards, including Golden Globes and Emmys.
* Dunham is a vocal advocate for women's rights and body positivity.
* She is also a mental health advocate and has spoken openly about her own struggles with depression and anxiety.
* Dunham is a role model for many young women and is seen as a pioneer in the representation of women on television.

Let's be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.

Lena Dunham

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