Khaled Hosseini Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by
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Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1965.
* His family fled Afghanistan in 1980 due to the Soviet invasion.
* Hosseini came to the United States and became a doctor.
* He began writing his first novel, The Kite Runner, in 2001.
* The Kite Runner was published in 2003 and became a bestseller.
* Hosseini's second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, was published in 2007 and also became a bestseller.
* Hosseini's third novel, And the Mountains Echoed, was published in 2013.
* Hosseini is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
* Hosseini is a powerful voice for the people of Afghanistan.
Behind every trial and sorrow that He makes us shoulder, God has a reason.
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