Explore Popular Quotes by Joyce Carol Oates

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6 Quotes and sayings

Joyce Carol Oates was born on June 16, 1938, in Lockport, New York.
* She is an American writer who has published over 100 books, including novels, short stories, poetry, essays, and plays.
* Oates has won numerous awards for her writing, including the National Book Award, the O. Henry Award, and the Prix Femina Étranger.
* She is a professor emerita at Princeton University.
* Oates is known for her prolific output and her wide-ranging interests.
* She has written about a variety of topics, including violence, abuse, mental illness, and the human condition.
* Oates is a controversial figure, but she is also one of the most respected writers of her generation.
* She is a major force in American literature, and her work continues to be read and admired by readers around the world.

In love there are two things - bodies and words.

Joyce Carol Oates

A daydreamer is prepared for most things.

Joyce Carol Oates

Keep a light, hopeful heart. But ­expect the worst.

Joyce Carol Oates

The strangeness of Time. Not in its passing, which can seem infinite, like a tunnel whose end you can't see, whose beginning you've forgotten, but in the sudden realization that something finite, has passed, and is irretrievable.

Joyce Carol Oates

The worst thing: to give yourself away in exchange for not enough love.

Joyce Carol Oates

And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo - that evil is not always repellent but frequently attractive; that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as nature and accident do, but active accomplices.

Joyce Carol Oates

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