Popular Quotes by Jim Beaver

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1 Quotes and sayings

Jim Beaver is an American actor, writer, and film historian.
* He was born on August 12, 1950, in Laramie, Wyoming.
* He studied theatre at Oklahoma Christian College and Central State University.
* He began his acting career in the early 1980s, appearing in films and television shows such as "Dallas", "L.A. Law", and "The X-Files".
* He is best known for his roles as Bobby Singer in "Supernatural" and Whitney Ellsworth in "Deadwood".
* He has also written several books, including "Life's That Way" and "John Garfield: His Life and Films".
* He is married to Sarah Spiegel and has one daughter.
* He is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

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While I was drying off Maddie after her bath tonight, she said, 'I love you' to me for the first time. It sounded like 'All lub boo,' but I didn't care. To reciprocate, I showed her what an ex-Marine looks like when he cries.

Jim Beaver

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