Quote While I was drying off Maddie after her bath...

“While I was drying off Maddie after her bath tonight, she said, 'I love you' to me for the first time. It sounded like 'All lub boo,' but I didn't care. To reciprocate, I showed her what an ex-Marine looks like when he cries.” - Jim Beaver

children humor love parenting

Quotes to Explore

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : I am not afraid... I was born to do this.

I am not afraid... I was born to do this.

Jeanne d'Arc

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

Jillian Michaels

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs

Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs

Jim Rohn

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.

A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.

John A. Shedd

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.

It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.

John Green

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.

John Lennon