Explore Popular Quotes by Allen Saunders

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1 Quotes and sayings

Allen Saunders was an American writer, journalist, and cartoonist. He was born on April 24, 1899, in Lebanon, Indiana. He studied at the Wabash College in Indiana and the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. He began his career as a cartoonist and writer in the 1920s. He created the comic strips Steve Roper and Mike Nomad, Mary Worth, and Kerry Drake. He is credited with being the originator of the saying, "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans." He died on January 28, 1986, in Maumee, Ohio.

Here are some additional details about Saunders' life and work:

* He was a prolific writer, producing over 100,000 comic strips in his career.
* He was a master of the soap opera genre, and his strips were known for their complex characters and storylines.
* He was also a talented cartoonist, and his work was praised for its humor and its realistic depiction of everyday life.
* Saunders' work has had a lasting impact on popular culture, and his characters continue to be enjoyed by readers around the world.