Popular Quotes by Jesse Andrews

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Jesse Andrews is an American novelist and screenwriter. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1982. He graduated from Harvard University and worked as a youth hostel receptionist in Germany before becoming a writer. His debut novel, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, was published in 2012 and won the Cybils Award for Young Adult Fiction. The novel was adapted into a film in 2015, which Andrews co-wrote. His other novels include The Haters (2016) and Munmun (2018). Andrews has also written for television, including the show Everything Sucks! (2018). He currently lives in Berkeley, California.

Here are some additional details about Andrews' work:

* Me and Earl and the Dying Girl was a critical and commercial success, and was nominated for two Academy Awards.
* Andrews' screenplay for Me and Earl and the Dying Girl was praised for its humor, heart, and authenticity.
* Andrews' novels have been praised for their humor, coming-of-age themes, and relatable characters.
* Andrews' work has been praised by critics and readers alike, and he is considered to be one of the most promising young writers working today.

If after reading this book you come to my home and brutally murder me, I do not blame you.

Jesse Andrews

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