A. Whitney Brown Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by
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A. Whitney Brown was born on July 8, 1952 in Charlotte, Michigan.
* He began his career as a street juggler and stand-up comedian.
* In 1985, he was hired by Lorne Michaels to join the writing staff of Saturday Night Live.
* He appeared on the show for six seasons, and won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing in a Variety or Music Program in 1988.
* After leaving SNL, Brown continued to work as a writer and actor, appearing in films such as I'm Your Man and The Roommate.
* He is also a frequent contributor to radio and television programs, and has written several books, including The Big Picture: A Satirical Look at the News.
* Brown is married to Carolyn Wonderland, a singer-songwriter.
* He is currently 70 years old.
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