Popular Quotes by Jacob Bronowski

Jacob Bronowski Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Jacob Bronowski was born in Łódź, Poland in 1908.
* He moved to England with his family in 1920.
* He studied mathematics at Cambridge University.
* He worked as a mathematician and scientist during World War II.
* He wrote several books on science and the humanities, including "The Ascent of Man".
* He died in 1974.
* He is considered one of the most important figures in the history of science communication.
* His work has had a profound impact on our understanding of the relationship between science and human values.
* He is an inspiration to scientists, humanists, and all who seek to understand the world around them.

It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it.

Jacob Bronowski

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