Popular Quotes by Hubert Selby Jr.

Hubert Selby Jr. Cool & famous Quotes by

3 Quotes and sayings

Hubert Selby Jr. was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1928.
* He dropped out of school at the age of 15 and worked as a merchant seaman.
* He was diagnosed with tuberculosis at the age of 18 and spent four years in the hospital.
* He began writing short stories in the early 1960s.
* His first novel, "Last Exit to Brooklyn," was published in 1964 and was a critical and commercial success.
* He wrote several more novels, including "The Room" (1971), "Requiem for a Dream" (1978), and "The Demon" (1976).
* He died in 2004 at the age of 75.
* His work is known for its unflinching portrayal of violence, addiction, and despair.
* He is considered one of the most important American writers of the 20th century.

There's a sorrow and pain in everyone's life, but every now and then there's a ray of light that melts the loneliness in your heart and brings comfort like hot soup and a soft bed.

Hubert Selby Jr.

Life was not longer something to endure, but to live.

Hubert Selby Jr.

But you cant shut everyone out. I mean you have to have someone to love. . .someone to hold on to. . . someone--

Hubert Selby Jr.

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