Popular Quotes by Howard Thurman

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Howard Thurman was an American author, philosopher, theologian, mystic, educator, and civil rights leader. He was born in Daytona Beach, Florida in 1899 and died in San Francisco in 1981. Thurman was a prominent religious figure who played a leading role in many social justice movements and organizations of the twentieth century. His theology of radical nonviolence influenced and shaped a generation of civil rights activists, and he was a key mentor to leaders within the civil rights movement, including Martin Luther King Jr. Thurman served as dean of Rankin Chapel at Howard University from 1932 to 1944 and as dean of Marsh Chapel at Boston University from 1953 to 1965. In 1944, he co-founded, along with Alfred Fisk, the first major interracial, interdenominational church in the United States. Thurman was a prolific writer and speaker, and his many books and essays explore the themes of spirituality, nonviolence, and social justice. He was a deeply spiritual man who believed that love and compassion were the keys to solving the world's problems. Thurman's legacy continues to inspire people around the world who are committed to creating a more just and peaceful world.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Howard Thurman

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