Popular Quotes by Hjalmar Söderberg

Hjalmar Söderberg Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Hjalmar Söderberg was a Swedish novelist, short story writer, playwright, and journalist.
* He was born in Stockholm in 1869 and died in Copenhagen in 1941.
* His works often deal with melancholy and lovelorn characters, and offer a rich portrayal of contemporary Stockholm through the eyes of the flaneur.
* Söderberg is regarded as one of the greatest writers in Swedish literature.
* His works are translated to more than twenty languages.
* His most famous works include the novels **Förvillelser** (1895), **Martin Bircks Ungdom** (1901), and **Den allvarsamma leken** (1912), and the play **Gertrud** (1906).
* Söderberg was a controversial figure in his own time, and his work was often criticized for its pessimism and cynicism.
* However, he is now considered one of the most important writers of the Swedish 20th century.
* His work continues to be read and enjoyed by people all over the world.