Popular Quotes by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Cool & famous Quotes by

10 Quotes and sayings

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born in Portland, Maine, in 1807.
* He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1829 and then studied in Europe for three years.
* After returning to the United States, he taught at Bowdoin and Harvard.
* He is best known for his poems, including "Paul Revere's Ride," "The Song of Hiawatha," and "Evangeline."
* He was a popular and influential poet during his lifetime and is considered one of the most important American poets of the 19th century.
* He died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1882.

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tell me not in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal;Dust thou are, to dust thou returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;Thy fate is the common fate of all,Into each life some rain must fall

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

As Unto the bow the the cord is ,So unto the man is woman;Though she bends him, she obeys him,Though she draws him , yet she follows:Useless each without the other.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained in sudden flight but, they while their companions slept, they were toiling upwards in the night.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I do not believe anyone can be perfectly well, who has a brain and a heart

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Ah, Nothing is too late, till the tired heart shall cease to palpitate.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,And all the sweet serenity of books

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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