Popular Quotes by Helene Hanff

Helene Hanff Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Helene Hanff was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 15, 1916.
* She was an American writer, best known for her book 84, Charing Cross Road, which was published in 1970.
* The book is a collection of letters she wrote to Frank Doel, a bookseller at Marks & Co. in London.
* The book was a huge success and was adapted into a film in 1987.
* Hanff also wrote several other books, including Underfoot in Show Business and The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street.
* She died in New York City on April 9, 1997.
* She was 80 years old.
* Hanff was a witty and charming writer, and her books are still enjoyed by readers today.
* She is a reminder that even the most ordinary lives can be filled with extraordinary stories.

I love inscriptions on flyleaves and notes in margins, I like the comradely sense of turning pages someone else turned, and reading passages someone long gone has called my attention to.

Helene Hanff

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