Popular Quotes by Hayao Miyazaki

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1 Quotes and sayings

Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese animator, filmmaker, and manga artist.
* He is a co-founder of Studio Ghibli, and has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and creator of Japanese animated feature films.
* His films are known for their beautiful animation, strong female characters, and environmental themes.
* Some of his most famous films include Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and My Neighbor Totoro.
* He is a recipient of numerous awards, including an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film.
* He is considered one of the most important and influential figures in the history of animation.
* He retired from filmmaking in 2013, but has since returned to work on a new film.
* He is a true master of his craft, and his films will continue to be enjoyed by audiences for generations to come.