Popular Quotes by Harold Howe

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Harold Howe was a U.S. Commissioner of Education under President Lyndon Johnson. He was born in 1918 and grew up in New York City. He earned a bachelor's degree from Columbia University and a master's degree from Harvard University. Howe began his career as a teacher and principal in New York City. He later served as superintendent of schools in Scarsdale, New York. In 1965, President Johnson appointed Howe as U.S. Commissioner of Education. Howe served in this position until 1969. After leaving government, Howe worked as a professor at Harvard University and as a consultant to education organizations. He died in 1999 at the age of 80.

Here are some additional details about Harold Howe's life and career:

* He was a strong advocate for civil rights and equal opportunity in education.
* He helped to develop the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which provided federal funding for schools in low-income areas.
* He also played a role in the development of the Head Start program, which provides early childhood education for low-income children.
* Howe was a respected educator and leader who made a significant impact on American education.

What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education.

Harold Howe

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