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6 Quotes and sayings

Gillian Flynn was born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1971.
* She graduated from the University of Kansas with degrees in English and journalism.
* She worked as a stringer for U.S. News & World Report and a staff writer for Entertainment Weekly.
* Her first novel, Sharp Objects, was published in 2006.
* Her second novel, Dark Places, was published in 2009.
* Her third novel, Gone Girl, was published in 2012 and became a New York Times bestseller.
* The film adaptation of Gone Girl was released in 2014 and was nominated for two Academy Awards.
* Flynn has also written a novella, The Grownup, and a screenplay for the film Widows.
* She lives in Chicago with her husband and son.

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I don't understand the point of being together if you're not the happiest.

Gillian Flynn

...and you drink a little too much and try a little too hard. And you go home to a cold bed and think, 'That was fine'. And your life is a long line of fine.

Gillian Flynn

Love makes you want to be a better man—right, right. But maybe love, real love, also gives you permission to just be the man you are.

Gillian Flynn

My dad had limitations. That's what my good-hearted mom always told us. He had limitations, but he meant no harm. It was kind of her to say, but he did do harm.

Gillian Flynn

Because isn’t that the point of every relationship: to be known by someone else, to be understood? He gets me. She gets me. Isn’t that the simple magic phrase?

Gillian Flynn

There's a difference between really loving someone and loving the idea of her.

Gillian Flynn

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