Popular Quotes by Frank Serafini

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Frank Serafini is an award-winning children's picturebook author, illustrator, and professor of literacy education and children's literature at Arizona State University. He has written and illustrated over 20 books, including *The Reading Workshop* and *Reading the Visual: An Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacy*. He is also the recipient of the Mayhill Arbuthnot Award from the International Literacy Association and the Distinguished Educator Award from the International Visual Literacy Association.

Serafini was born in Syracuse, New York, and grew up in a family of artists and educators. He attended Syracuse University, where he studied illustration and graphic design. After graduating, he worked as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer before moving into teaching.

Serafini's books have been praised for their beautiful illustrations and engaging stories. He is known for his ability to create books that are both visually appealing and intellectually stimulating. His work has been featured in numerous publications, including *The New York Times*, *The Washington Post*, and *Publishers Weekly*.

Serafini is a passionate advocate for literacy education. He believes that all children deserve access to high-quality books and that teachers play a vital role in helping children become lifelong readers. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops, and he has written extensively about literacy education.

Serafini is a dedicated educator and a gifted author and illustrator. His work has made a significant contribution to the field of children's literature.

There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book.

Frank Serafini

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