Popular Quotes by Francine Rivers

Francine Rivers Cool & famous Quotes by

2 Quotes and sayings

Francine Rivers is an American author of Christian fiction.
* She was born in 1947 in Berkeley, California.
* She began her writing career in the general market, writing historical romance novels.
* In 1986, she became a born-again Christian and changed the focus of her writing to Christian fiction.
* Her most popular novel is Redeeming Love, which is a retelling of the biblical story of Gomer and Hosea.
* She has won numerous awards for her writing, including the RITA Award for Inspirational Fiction.
* She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the American Christian Fiction Writers.
* She lives in northern California with her husband and three children.

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Mara, that's the life I want to give you. That's what I'm offering you. I want to fill you life with color and warmth. I want to fill it with light. Give me a chance

Francine Rivers

Love God and He will enable you to love others even when they disappoint you.

Francine Rivers

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