Popular Quotes by Erich Maria Remarque

Erich Maria Remarque Cool & famous Quotes by

2 Quotes and sayings

Erich Maria Remarque was born on June 22, 1898 in Osnabrück, Germany.
* He was a German-born novelist who wrote about the human condition, particularly the effects of war.
* His most famous novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, was published in 1929 and became an international bestseller.
* Remarque's work was banned by the Nazis and he was forced to flee Germany in 1933.
* He lived in Switzerland and the United States for the rest of his life.
* Remarque died on September 25, 1970 in Locarno, Switzerland.
* He was 72 years old.
* Remarque is considered one of the most important writers of the 20th century.
* His work continues to be read and studied today.

Sometimes I used to think that one day i should wake up, and all that had been would be over. forgotten, sunk, drowned. Nothing was sure - not even memory.

Erich Maria Remarque

It's only terrible to have nothing to wait for.

Erich Maria Remarque

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