Popular Quotes by A.J. Russell

A.J. Russell Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

A.J. Russell was born on January 25, 1915, in New York City.
* He was a screenwriter and novelist.
* He wrote for many popular television shows, including The Twilight Zone, The Fugitive, and The Rockford Files.
* He also wrote two novels, The Devalino Caper and Stiletto.
* Russell won two Primetime Emmy Awards for his work on The Twilight Zone.
* He died on November 18, 1999, in Los Angeles.
* He was 84 years old.
* Russell was a talented writer who made significant contributions to the television and film industries.
* His work is still enjoyed by audiences today.

All sacrifice and suffering is redemptive. It is used to either teach the individual or to help others. Nothing is by chance.

A.J. Russell

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