Explore Popular Quotes by Alessandro Baricco

Alessandro Baricco Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by

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Alessandro Baricco is an Italian writer, musicologist, and journalist.
* He was born in Turin, Italy, on January 28, 1958.
* He studied philosophy and music at the University of Turin.
* After graduating, he worked as a journalist and music critic.
* He published his first novel, *Castelli di rabbia* (Castles in Anger), in 1991.
* His novel *Seta* (Silk) was published in 1996 and became a bestseller.
* He has also written plays, essays, and screenplays.
* He is a popular speaker and has given lectures all over the world.
* He is considered one of the most important Italian writers of his generation.

It's a strange grief… to die of nostalgia for something you you will never live.

Alessandro Baricco

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