Popular Quotes by Aleksandar Hemon

Aleksandar Hemon Cool & famous Quotes by

2 Quotes and sayings

Aleksandar Hemon is a Bosnian-American author, essayist, and screenwriter.
* He was born in Sarajevo in 1964.
* He moved to Chicago in 1992 during the Bosnian War.
* He began writing in English in 1995.
* His first book, The Question of Bruno, was published in 2000.
* He has since published several more books, including Nowhere Man, The Lazarus Project, and The Book of My Lives.
* He has also written for The New Yorker, The Paris Review, and Esquire.
* He is a recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship and the MacArthur Fellowship.
* He is currently a professor of creative writing at Princeton University.

Home is where somebody notices when you are no longer there.

Aleksandar Hemon

When I look at my old pictures, all I can see is what I used to be but am no longer. I think: What I can see is what I am not.

Aleksandar Hemon

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