Popular Quotes by Compton Mackenzie

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Sir Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie was a Scottish writer, journalist, and political activist. He was born in West Hartlepool, England, in 1883. He studied at Magdalen College, Oxford, and then worked as a journalist for The Westminster Gazette. He published his first novel, The Passionate Elopement, in 1911. He served in the Royal Marines during World War I, and later wrote about his experiences in the book Greek Memories. He was a co-founder of the Scottish National Party, and served as Rector of the University of Glasgow from 1931 to 1934. He died in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1972.Here are some of his most notable works:

* The Passionate Elopement (1911)
* Carnival (1912)
* Sinister Street (1913–14)
* Water on the Brain (1933)
* The Monarch of the Glen (1941)
* Whisky Galore! (1947)

Mackenzie was a prolific writer, and he wrote over 100 books, including novels, biographies, histories, and memoirs. He was a master of storytelling, and his work is characterized by its humor, wit, and sharp social commentary. He was a major figure in British literature, and his work continues to be read and enjoyed by readers around the world.

Love makes the world go round? Not at all. Whiskey makes it go round twice as fast.

Compton Mackenzie

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