Charles Bukowski Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by
26 Quotes and sayings
Charles Bukowski was an American poet, novelist, and short story writer.
He was born in Andernach, Germany, in 1920, and moved to the United States at the age of two.
He grew up in Los Angeles and attended Los Angeles City College.
He worked as a laborer, dishwasher, and postal worker before becoming a full-time writer.
He published over 60 books of poetry, prose, and short stories.
His work was often raw, autobiographical, and humorous.
He was a cult figure during his lifetime and has since become a popular author.
He died of leukemia in 1994 at the age of 73.
When I begin to doubt my ability to work the word, I simply read another writer and know I have nothing to worry about. My contest is only with myself, to do it right, with power, and force, and delight, and gamble.
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