Popular Quotes by Charles Addams

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Charles Addams was an American cartoonist born in 1912. He is best known for his darkly humorous and macabre cartoons, which often featured the Addams Family, a ghoulish clan who enjoyed all things creepy and kooky. Addams' work was featured in The New Yorker magazine for over 50 years, and he also wrote for television and film. He died in 1988.Here are some additional details about Charles Addams:

* He was born in Westfield, New Jersey, on January 7, 1912.
* He attended the Grand Central School of Art in New York City.
* His first cartoon was published in The New Yorker in 1933.
* He married Barbara Jean Day in 1954 and they had two children.
* He died of cancer on September 29, 1988.

Charles Addams' work has had a lasting impact on popular culture. The Addams Family has been adapted into numerous television shows, films, and stage productions. Addams' cartoons are still reprinted in books and magazines, and his characters continue to be popular with fans of all ages.

Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.

Charles Addams

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