Popular Quotes by Casi McLean

Casi McLean Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Casi McLean is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic suspense, fantasy, and contemporary romance.
* She has written over 20 books, including the Lake Lanier Mysteries series, the Destiny series, and the Never Enough series.
* Her books have been translated into several languages and have been praised by readers and critics alike.
* She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Georgia Writers Association.
* She lives in Georgia with her husband and two children.
* She loves to read, write, and travel.
* She is passionate about helping others and is involved in several charitable organizations.
* She is an inspiration to her readers and a role model for aspiring authors.

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The greatest thing about dreams is they don’t expire. They can lay dormant for years and when you pull them out and dust them off, they shine like new.

Casi McLean

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