Popular Quotes by Carolyn Crane

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1 Quotes and sayings

Carolyn Crane is an American author of romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and other tales of adventure and love.
* She grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and Milwaukee, attending Arrowhead High School in Wisconsin.
* She studied English literature and earned her BA from the University of Minnesota in 1991.
* She currently lives in Minneapolis with her husband and two cats.
* Her novel Off the Edge won a Romance Writers of America RITA Award in 2014 for Best Romantic Suspense.
* She is also the author of the Disillusionists urban fantasy trilogy, as well as the Associates romantic suspense series.
* She is a RITA-nominated author and a member of the Romance Writers of America.
* She is a perfectionistic control-freak of an author who likes to indie publish.
* She is a talented and prolific writer who has brought joy to readers of all ages.

Most people think happiness is about gaining something, but it's not. It's all about getting rid of the darkness you accumulate.

Carolyn Crane

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