Popular Quotes by Caroline Mytinger

Caroline Mytinger Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Caroline Mytinger was born in Sacramento, California in 1897.
* She studied painting in Cleveland and New York.
* In 1926, she traveled to the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea with her friend Margaret Warner.
* They painted portraits of the indigenous people and wrote two books about their experiences.
* Mytinger returned to the United States in 1930 and continued to paint and write.
* She died in Monterey, California in 1980.
* Her work is now in the collections of the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology and the Cleveland Museum of Art.
* She is best known for her paintings of indigenous people in the South Seas.

A woman's destiny, they say, is not fulfilled until she holds in her arms her own little book.

Caroline Mytinger

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