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Brian Cox is a British physicist and professor of particle physics at the University of Manchester.
* He is best known to the public as the presenter of science programmes, especially BBC Radio 4's The Infinite Monkey Cage and the Wonders of... series.
* He is also the author of several popular science books, such as Why Does E=mc²? and The Quantum Universe.
* Cox was born in Oldham, England, in 1968.
* He studied physics at the University of Manchester and the University of Oxford.
* He then worked as a research scientist at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.
* In 2004, he was appointed professor of particle physics at the University of Manchester.
* Cox is a Fellow of the Royal Society and a recipient of the Royal Society's Faraday Medal.
* He is a passionate advocate for science education and public engagement in science.
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