Popular Quotes by Beverly Donofrio

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Beverly Donofrio is an American memoirist, children's author, and creative writing teacher.
* She is best known for her 1992 best-selling memoir, Riding in Cars with Boys.
* The memoir was adapted into a film in 2001, starring Drew Barrymore.
* Donofrio has also written several other books, including:
* Looking for Mr. Goodbar: A True Story
* The Woman Who Loved Elvis
* Astonished: A Story of Healing and Finding Grace
* She has taught creative writing at Columbia University and Wesleyan University.
* Donofrio is a recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship and the Whiting Award.
* She lives in New York City with her son.

One day can change your life. One day can ruin your life. All life is is three or four big days that change everything.

Beverly Donofrio

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